Few countries represent the great potential and promise of Africa like Nigeria. The largest country on the continent, Nigeria acts as Africa’s economic and cultural powerhouse. What happens in Nigeria doesn’t stay in Nigeria.
So when Nigerian voters head to the polls on Saturday to elect the country’s next president, all of Africa—and beyond—will be watching.
To highlight what’s at stake, I invited my good friend Amaka Anku, head of the Eurasia Group's Africa practice, to join the CGD podcast and share a rundown on the upcoming election. Together we discuss the advantages and challenges of the leading candidates, the role of Nigeria’s substantial youth population, and what this election might mean not just for Nigeria and for Africa but for democracy itself.
You can preview our conversation in the clip below, and listen to the full episode at the top of this page or on your favorite podcast app.
This episode of the CGD Podcast is also featured on GZERO World, a weekly podcast with Ian Bremmer that explores key global stories with policymakers and thought leaders.
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