Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President and Director of the Global Health Policy Center, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Ambassador Jimmy Kolker, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (former)
Scott Morris, Senior Fellow, Director of US Development Policy, and Co-Director of Sustainable Development Finance, Center for Global Development
Carolyn Reynolds, Senior Associate for Global Health Policy Center, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Muhammad Ali Pate, Global Director of the Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice and Director of the Global Financing Facility, World Bank
Amanda Glassman, Executive Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
About the event:
The Ebola outbreak that the DRC has grappled with for well over a year has, once again, highlighted the critical need for the international community to refocus and prioritize investments in health security preparedness and response. While many low- and middle-income countries have taken steps to build capacity to prevent and respond to disease outbreaks, there remains little systematic financing to address gaps, and health systems in high-risk counties are constantly tested. The savings from investing early are staggering compared to the economic consequences of pandemics, yet dedicating resources to preparedness—which offers less noticeable, longer-term victories—can be a tougher sell for governments facing competing demands on limited public budgets. In turn, we find ourselves in a global rinse-and-repeat cycle of crisis and response.
As representatives from donor and borrowing countries prepare to convene for the fourth and final IDA19 replenishment meeting in Stockholm this December, we have an opportunity to examine the role and effectiveness of multilateral institutions in health security, acknowledge gaps and inefficiencies where they exist, and reflect on how to strengthen and sustain health security in an increasingly interconnected world. This event will explore critical issues to address on the road ahead and present relevant recommendations from a new CSIS Commission report.