


6:00—8:00 PM
Center for Global Development, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC

Global Development Matters October Meetup

nameFor the Global Development Matters October Meetup on Monday, October 6th we will host a screening of highlights from the documentary film series, A Dollar a Day. This series offers a glimpse into the lives of individuals battling poverty in the global economy. Each film explores a specific aspect of global poverty, from the difficulty of securing access to healthcare and employment to coping with the effects of damaging trade policies. Join us at 6:30pm for light refreshments and conversation, with the screenings to begin around 6:45pm and discussion to follow. 

To RSVP, please go to the Meetup site.

Home screening materials will be available to help you organize your own watch party with friends and family, to raise awareness about issues of global poverty. For more information on the films and home screenings, check out the Global Development Matters website.

The Dollar a Day stories include: 

Made In China, filmed in China and Minnesota, shows how "Access to Jobs" is pulling millions out of poverty in China, while changing life in America. In Minnesota some workers seek new jobs while friends return to work in a mine reopened because of demand from China. 

The New Silver, filmed in Bolivia, illustrates how "Access to Capital" can change the lives of both poor individuals and poor nations. Against the background Bolivia's "Gas War" micro-credit and macro-credit are tools of change. 

The Strongest Link, filmed in South Africa, shows how "Access to Healthcare" can make a real difference in the future of a family and a community in South Africa. Bulewla Cima, a young woman with AIDS labors to keep the disease from infecting her unborn child. 

In The Price of Cotton, filmed in Mali, we meet small cotton farmers in Mali and second-generation cotton farmers in Texas who all worry about the gathering international storm around cotton subsidies.

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