


9:00—10:30 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Public Private Partnerships in Health: Responding to Country Needs and the Universal Health Coverage Agenda



Introductory remarks

Sir Richard Feachem
Director, Global Health Group at University of California, San Francisco
Nadia Abuzaineh
Manager, Health Industries Advisory Practice, PwC
Paul da Rita
Director, Global Capital Projects & Infrastructure, PwC
Alberto de Rosa
Chief Executive Officer, Ribera Salud Group
Tim Thahane
Former member of Parliament and Minister of Finance and of Water and Energy, Lesotho
Amanda Glassman
Vice President for Programs and Director of Global Health Policy, Center for Global Development
As emerging economies grapple with the practical implications of the universal health coverage agenda, governments are looking for effective ways to expand access to affordable, quality health services. Given resource constraints, one option governments are considering is working more closely with the private sector through public-private partnerships (PPPs). The PPP approach can be applied to a wide range of healthcare system needs: from construction of facilities to the provision of medical supplies to the delivery of services.
To build up the evidence base about PPPs in health, and determine the factors that make them successful, UCSF and PwC have teamed up to write a series of reports that document country experiences with different PPP models. This event will feature discussion about how PPPs fit into the broader health systems landscape in a range of settings, and offer recommendations for further evolution of the model to respond to country needs.
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