


2:00—3:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

UN Secretary-General Candidates Forum


Vuk Jeremić, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Serbia


William Durch, Distinguished Fellow of the Future of Peace Operations Program, Stimson Center 

Tamar Gutner, Associate Professor, American University School of International Service 

Charles Kenny, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Please join us for a public forum with Vuk Jeremić, candidate for the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations. Designed to contribute to the increased level of transparency in the selection process to succeed Ban Ki-Moon, this event offers an important opportunity for open questions to Mr. Jeremić about his candidacy, and about his vision for the role, responsibilities, challenges and opportunities of the United Nations in the years to come. His published platform is available here.

Mr. Jeremić served as the elected President of the UN General Assembly from 2012-2013 and as Foreign Minister of Serbia from 2007-2012. As a student, Mr. Jeremić was a leader of the social movement that helped topple Slobodan Milošević's dictatorship in Serbia in 2000. Currently Mr. Jeremić is President of the Belgrade-based think tank the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development and editor-in-chief of Horizons, an English-language global public policy magazine.

This is the first of a series of candidate forums planned by the co-hosting organizations, the Center for Global Development, Stimson Center and the American University School of International Service. All UN Secretary-General candidates have been invited to take part.

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