Ideas to action: independent research for global prosperity
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Blog Post
November 19, 2024
A new CGD note published today explores the financial performance of big tobacco companies, alongside alcohol and sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) industries, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic; we find that financial results have been strong, especially for tobacco companies, and that the argumen...
Blog Post
October 31, 2022
Many premature deaths from non-communicable diseases can be prevented if countries enact forceful measures to reduce the risk of their citizens falling prey to these diseases. Making it more expensive to consume tobacco, health-harming alcohol, and sugar-sweetened beverages is key to governments ach...
Blog Post
July 20, 2022
In this blog, I examine why policymakers should ensure that inflation does not erode corrective taxes on killer products and make them more affordable. Using a survey of recent health tax measures, I show that some countries have ensured that health taxes are stepped up while most have hesitated, an...
April 20, 2022
In developing Asia there is potential for higher corrective taxes to help prevent many non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and contribute revenue. The productivity loss from death and disability from alcohol, tobacco and diets high in sugar-sweetened beverages in purchasing power parity dollars is PPP$...
March 03, 2022
Corrective taxes on harmful products—health taxes—are a cost-effective way to save lives and generate additional tax revenue. In new research, we show that health tax measures during COVID-19 have diminished in number and strength because the international community has mobilized additional, largely...
Blog Post
November 17, 2021
Governments use corrective taxes to reduce the use of products that harm well-being and create costs not just to society at large (externalities) but also to individual consumers who may underestimate the future health consequences of their current consumption. Taxes on gas to reduce pollution or on...
November 17, 2021
Behind the daily trauma of COVID-19 lies a larger and longer-lasting global health challenge resulting from the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-sweetened beverages. Using a sample of 25 large advanced and emerging market economies accounting for three-quarters of global GDP, we show that ...