Ideas to action: independent research for global prosperity
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February 05, 2020
Management by way of top-down controls and targets sometimes gets in the way of aid donors’ aims, undermining project success. These unhelpful controls often stem from a need to account for performance; legislatures or executive boards induce agencies to exercise tight process controls and ori...
January 10, 2020
In the final days of 2019, Congress passed the Global Fragility Act, an ambitious bill that aims to improve how the US government approaches stabilizing conflict-affected states and preventing the escalation of violence in other fragile contexts. Here are some ideas to keep it accountable.
Blog Post
May 24, 2019
If you work in or on international development, the last time you heard, saw, thought, or said the word “accountability” was probably this week—maybe even today. Lant Pritchett and I argue in our new paper that accountability is, indeed, central to high-performing governa...
May 24, 2019
Accountability is rightly at the center of the conversation regarding how to improve governance systems, particularly health and education systems. But efforts to address accountability deficits often focus primarily on improving what can be counted and verified—what we term “accounting-...
12:30—2:00 PM
May 15, 2018
In Navigation by Judgment, Dan Honig argues that high-quality implementation of foreign aid programs often requires contextual information that cannot be seen by those in distant headquarters. Tight controls and a focus on reaching pre-set measurable targets often prevent front-line workers fro...
11:30—1:00 PM
June 07, 2016
What should tomorrow’s aid agencies look like in a landscape where the global goal is to ensure sustainable development? In the past, the role of aid has mainly been to “finance” specific projects or services, with a strong sense of donor identity and marked projections of donor in...
12:30—2:00 PM
February 03, 2016
Bureaucracies with field operations that cannot be easily supervised and monitored are often caught in two potential sources of dysfunctions: field agents using asymmetric information to their own advantage, and limiting fields agents’ ability to use the same information to improve projects. I...
New from CGD
May 21, 2007
The Center for Global Development is excited to announce the six Scott Family Liberia Fellows for 2007-2008. The six fellows were selected from 230 applicants and will serve as special assistants to senior Liberian government officials. CGD senior fellow Steve Radelet, who leads the Center’s work in...