Ideas to action: independent research for global prosperity
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August 27, 2015
Molly Kinder is fairly certain that she holds the CGD record for repeat hires: four different CGD stints, spanning more than a dozen years and working for some of the legends of CGD’s past and present. She first joined CGD in January 2003 as a program assistant working for Ruth Levine in the n...
June 07, 2011
Fallout from the killing of Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani garrison town has prompted an anxious reassessment of all facets of the complex, troubled alliance between the United States and Pakistan. A new report from CGD’s Study Group on U.S. Development Strategy in Pakistan shines light on a crucial...
Blog Post
June 02, 2011
This is a joint post with Wren Elhai and Molly Kinder and first appeared on’s AfPak Channel blog. Read the report of the Study Group on U.S. Development Strategy in Pakistan here. A response from Alexander Thier, head of USAID’s Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs can b...
Press Release
June 01, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C.(June 1, 2011)-U.S. and Pakistani development experts are urging a substantial revamp of the U.S. approach to Pakistan, saying that U.S. efforts to build prosperity in the nuclear-armed nation with a fledgling democratic government, burgeoning youth population, and shadowy intelligen...
May 30, 2011
In a new CGD report, U.S. and Pakistani development experts urge a substantial revamp of the U.S. approach to Pakistan, saying that U.S. efforts to build prosperity in the nuclear-armed nation with a fledgling democratic government, burgeoning youth population, and shadowy intelligence services are ...