Ideas to action: independent research for global prosperity
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May 11, 2023
The COVID pandemic has had differential effects by gender, with women experiencing higher job and income loss, increased rates of domestic violence, and mounting care burdens. We examine the extent to which MDB COVID response projects incorporated gender elements and highlight the gaps in those effo...
Blog Post
November 01, 2022
Last month, we published a blog making the case for quality childcare as a “best buy” investment: one that can increase labor force participation, productivity, and income among workers, as well as improve broader well-being among children, caregivers, and communities. Our first blog summarized find...
Blog Post
September 30, 2022
Governments still need to be convinced to prioritize childcare. Context-specific data on ROI canna help with this. CGD and the World Bank’s Early Learning Partnership convened a series of technical workshops aimed at informing the approach of the newly launched World Bank Group (WBG) Invest in Child...
June 28, 2022
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting global recession, researchers have documented the economic impacts of the crisis, including in the form of individuals’ lost employment and income and increased poverty and food insecurity within households. To respond to these impacts, about 20...
Blog Post
April 20, 2022
Two years into a global pandemic, the world is still trying to contain the virus as well as make up lost ground on economic and social progress, especially for women and girls. We have identified three priority areas to promote an inclusive recovery and improve women’s well-being and reduce gender ...
Blog Post
March 07, 2022
International Women’s Day is both a day to celebrate the achievements of women around the world and a day to rally for progress towards gender equality. For International Women’s Day 2022, we’d like to take stock of some of what we learned this year about the status of women and girls and how to inc...
Blog Post
February 25, 2022
In December 2021, World Bank shareholders came together for the final meeting on the IDA20 replenishment with a critical opportunity to steer global development objectives over the next three years. Early on in the negotiation process, drawing on our COVID-19 Gender and Development Initiative resear...
January 14, 2022
This paper aims to determine the extent to which gender was considered in the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) operations aimed at responding to the COVID pandemic and associated economic crisis. Using keywords to identify COVID response projects, we found 264 projects approved between March ...