Ideas to action: independent research for global prosperity
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February 21, 2006
A Tool to Estimate Cost Effectiveness of an Advance Market Commitment
Michael Kremer and Rachel Glennerster, authors of the recent book Strong Medicine: Creating Incentives for Pharmaceutical Research on Neglected Diseases, set out the theoretical underpinnings of pull incentives in more detail. E...
February 21, 2006
African state-owned enterprises, particularly those in infrastructure, have a long history of poor performance. But moves in the 1990s to rely instead on private-sector participation and ownership have yet to deliver the hoped-for improvements. Is the solution to return to a strategy of improving st...
February 21, 2006
CGD senior fellow Steven Radelet discusses how the IMF can be helpful to low-income countries that have maintained macroeconomic stability for several years and no longer require IMF financing. He suggests that the Fund move toward greater use of non-funded programs and play a less dominant role in ...
2:00—3:30 PM
February 17, 2006
John Danilovich, head of the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corp. (MCC), and Cosme Sehlin, Benin's minister of finance, discussed Benin’s new $307 million compact with the MCC at a CGD event moderated by senior fellow Steve Radelet. Other participants included Simon Pierre Adovelande, national coordinato...