// Download World Bank Poverty Data pip, povline(2.15 3.5 4 5 10) fillgaps clear // Create FCAS Dummy Variable // (Note: this is the World Bank FY24 List of Fragile and Conflict-affected Situations available at: // https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/608a53dd83f21ef6712b5dfef050b00b-0090082023/original/FCSListFY24-final.pdf) gen fcas = 0 local country_codes "AFG BFA CMR CAF COD ETH IRQ MLI MOZ MMR NER NGA SOM SSD SDN SYR UKR PSE YEM BDI TCD COM COG ERI GNB HTI KIR XKX LBN LBY MHL FSM PNG STP SLB TLS TUV VEN ZWE" foreach code in `country_codes' { replace fcas = 1 if country_code == "`code'" } // Create Poverty Count gen popinpov=population*headcount replace popinpov=popinpov/1000000 // Drop incomplete data drop if year>2019 // Create trends graph format poverty_line %12.0g set graph off foreach n in 2.15 3.5 5 10{ preserve keep if poverty_line==`n' collapse (sum) popinpov, by(fcas year) local name=floor(`n') tw (line popinpov year if fcas==0)(line popinpov year if fcas==1), legend(label(1 "Other")label(2 "FCAS")pos(3)) /// subtitle("Pop in Poverty (million)",pos(11)span)title("$`n' per day Poverty Line")ytitle("")name("l`name'",replace) table year fcas, c(sum popinpov) restore } set graph on graph combine l2 l3 l5 l10 // Create bar graph preserve keep if year==2019 collapse (sum) popinpov, by(fcas poverty_line) reshape wide popinpov, i(poverty_line)j(fcas) gen share=popinpov1/(popinpov1+popinpov0)*100 graph hbar share, over(poverty_line) subtitle("$ per day poverty line",pos(11)span)ytitle("Share of the poor in fragile states")blabel(total,format(%9.0fc)) restore preserve keep if poverty_line==2.15 collapse (sum) popinpov, by(fcas year) local name=floor(2.15) gen forecast=popinpov if year>2019 replace popinpov=. if year>2019 tw (line popinpov year if fcas==0)(line popinpov year if fcas==1) /// (line forecast year if fcas==0)(line forecast year if fcas==1) /// , legend(label(1 "Other")label(2 "FCAS")pos(3)) /// subtitle("Pop in Poverty (million)",pos(11)span)title("$`n' per day Poverty Line")ytitle("")name("l`name'",replace) restore // Out of School Children wbopendata, indicator(SE.PRM.UNER) long clear drop if inlist(regionname,"Aggregates","") drop if year<1980 // Create FCAS Dummy Variable gen fcas = 0 local country_codes "AFG BFA CMR CAF COD ETH IRQ MLI MOZ MMR NER NGA SOM SSD SDN SYR UKR PSE YEM BDI TCD COM COG ERI GNB HTI KIR XKX LBN LBY MHL FSM PNG STP SLB TLS TUV VEN ZWE" foreach code in `country_codes' { replace fcas = 1 if countrycode == "`code'" } collapse (sum) se_prm_uner, by(fcas year) replace se_prm_uner=se_prm_uner/1000000 tw (line se_prm_uner year if fcas==0)(line se_prm_uner year if fcas==1), legend(label(1 "Other")label(2 "FCAS")pos(4)) /// subtitle("Million",pos(11)span)title("Primary-age children out of school")ytitle("")name(outofschool,replace) // Child Mortality wbopendata, indicator(SP.DYN.IMRT.IN;SP.DYN.CBRT.IN;SP.POP.TOTL;SH.DYN.MORT) long clear drop if inlist(regionname,"Aggregates","") gen thousandpeople=sp_pop_totl/1000 gen births=sp_dyn_cbrt_in*thousandpeople gen thousandbirths=births/1000 gen infantdeaths=sp_dyn_imrt_in*thousandbirths gen childdeaths=sh_dyn_mort*thousandbirths // Create FCAS Dummy Variable gen fcas = 0 local country_codes "AFG BFA CMR CAF COD ETH IRQ MLI MOZ MMR NER NGA SOM SSD SDN SYR UKR PSE YEM BDI TCD COM COG ERI GNB HTI KIR XKX LBN LBY MHL FSM PNG STP SLB TLS TUV VEN ZWE" foreach code in `country_codes' { replace fcas = 1 if countrycode == "`code'" } collapse (sum) infantdeaths childdeaths, by(fcas year) replace infantdeaths=infantdeaths/1000000 replace childdeaths=childdeaths/1000000 drop if year<1980 | year==2022 tw (line infantdeaths year if fcas==0)(line infantdeaths year if fcas==1), legend(label(1 "Other")label(2 "FCAS")pos(4)) /// subtitle("Million",pos(11)span)title("Children dying before age 1")ytitle("") /// ylabel(0(1)8)name(u1mort,replace) tw (line childdeaths year if fcas==0)(line childdeaths year if fcas==1), legend(label(1 "Other")label(2 "FCAS")pos(4)) /// subtitle("Million",pos(11)span)title("Children dying before age 5")ytitle("") /// ylabel(0(1)12)name(u5mort,replace) // Stunting import delimited "/Users/leecrawfurd/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox-Personal/Downloads/under-5-population.csv", delimiter(comma) clear // Note: This data downloaded from Our World is Data at: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/under-5-population drop if code=="" ren code countrycode tempfile pop save `pop' wbopendata, indicator(SH.STA.STNT.ME.ZS) long clear mmerge countrycode year using `pop' keep if _merge==3 gen stunted=(sh_sta_stnt_me_zs/100)*populationbybroadagegroupsexalla // Create FCAS Dummy Variable gen fcas = 0 local country_codes "AFG BFA CMR CAF COD ETH IRQ MLI MOZ MMR NER NGA SOM SSD SDN SYR UKR PSE YEM BDI TCD COM COG ERI GNB HTI KIR XKX LBN LBY MHL FSM PNG STP SLB TLS TUV VEN ZWE" foreach code in `country_codes' { replace fcas = 1 if countrycode == "`code'" } collapse (sum) stunted, by(fcas year) replace stunted=stunted/1000000 drop if year<2000 | year>2021 tw (line stunted year if fcas==0)(line stunted year if fcas==1), legend(label(1 "Other")label(2 "FCAS")pos(3)rowgap(10)) /// subtitle("Million",pos(11)span)title("Children stunted")ytitle("") /// ylabel(0(20)160)name(stunted,replace) // Combined graphs graph combine outofschool stunted u1mort u5mort