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Cash Transfers Cure Poverty. Side-Effects Vary. Symptoms May Return When Treatment Stops.
April 19, 2018
New results from a famous experiment in Kenya have sparked heated debate over whether lump-sum cash transfers have any long-term benefits for those who get them, or even do harm to neighbors who don’t.
Blog Post
Poverty in Nigeria: Understanding and Bridging the Divide between North and South
April 06, 2018
Understanding the rise in poverty in Nigeria is one issue; understanding the forces behind the north-south poverty divide is another. In this blog post, I consider the question: Why is poverty so much greater in the north of Nigeria than in the south?
Blog Post
On Labor Mobility, Economic Growth, and Targeted Programs
March 26, 2018
For at least a couple of decades NGOs and others in developing countries have been designing, evaluating, tinkering, and trying to improve projects and programs that deliver specific in-kind “interventions” to targeted individuals/households in ways that raised their incomes in a sustain...
Alleviating Global Poverty: Labor Mobility, Direct Assistance, and Economic Growth - Working Paper 479
March 20, 2018
Simply allowing more labor mobility holds vastly more promise for reducing poverty than anything else on the development agenda. That said, the magnitude of the gains from large growth accelerations (and losses from large decelerations) are also many-fold larger than the potential gains from directe...
Blog Post
Strugglers: The New Poor of the 21st Century
March 05, 2018
Mohamed Bouazizi is the man whose protest sparked the Arab Spring in December 2010. Bouazizi was a typical “struggler,” as in the title of my keynote speech at the Australasian Aid conference several weeks ago: “Strugglers: This Century’s New Development Challe...
Blog Post
Yes, the IFC Should Do More in Middle Income Countries. But Which Ones?
March 01, 2018
Moving beyond low income countries makes sense for an institution focused on ending extreme poverty. But does the IFC follow through by focusing on the countries that are home to the extreme poor? Not really.
Blog Post
Chart of the Week #4: Angus Deaton and the Location of Poverty
January 26, 2018
On Wednesday, Angus Deaton published an op-ed in the New York Times that paints a compelling picture of the depth of poverty in America, and the need for more money and more policy attention to fix it. It's a sobering read, and we strongly agree that America’s most destitute dese...