Working Groups

Working Groups
A New Advance Market Commitment to Combat Neonatal Sepsis
Akhil Bansal
et al.
December 18, 2024
CGD is forming a working group to create an Advance Market Commitment (AMC) for rapid neonatal sepsis tests in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with funders pledging top-up payments to incentivize private companies to develop and supply these critical diagnostics.
Working Groups
Understanding and Mitigating the Global Burden of Lead Poisoning
Amanda Glassman
et al.
July 07, 2022
Lead poisoning may be one of the most overlooked challenges in global health, education, and development. Exposure to lead creates a multi-pronged and permanent attack on these children’s health and development during their vulnerable and formative early years, with devastating lifelong effects. Lea...
Working Groups
A New Grand Bargain to Improve the Antimicrobial Market for Human Health
Amanda Glassman
et al.
June 27, 2022
While there have been high-level commitments from the World Health Assembly, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the G20, and the G7 to tackle AMR, there has yet to be a fundamental change in how we purchase antimicrobials, or an international approach to improving access, fostering innovati...
Working Groups
Advocates for the Reform of International Finance (ARIF)
June 09, 2021
The Advocates for the Reform of International Finance (ARIF) is an informal group of persons who are calling for reform of the international financial architecture with the aim of better supporting sustainable and equitable growth in the world economy. Growing out of the 2018 G20 Eminent Persons Gro...
Working Groups
Sound Banks for Healthy Economies in Latin America and the Caribbean Working Group
Andrew Powell
Liliana Rojas-Suarez
September 14, 2020
Led by co-chairs Andrew Powell and Liliana Rojas-Suarez, this working group was the result of a collaboration between CGD and the Inter-American Development Bank. The group was formed by international finance experts and Latin-American and the Caribbean policymakers and prepared a report to be ...
Working Groups
Governing Data for Development Working Group
Benno Ndulu
Michael Pisa
August 11, 2020
Governments that can successfully harness the world’s ongoing digital transformation and the resulting proliferation of new datasets, data types, and data ecosystems can make better informed policy decisions and target their resources more efficiently and effectively. To achieve this goal, they must...
Working Groups
Connecting International Labor Markets Working Group
Farah Hani
et al.
October 29, 2019
The goal of the Connecting International Labor Markets Working Group is to ensure workers can access more and better opportunities abroad. The Working Group identifies barriers and opportunities to enhanced labor mobility, in order to inform the design of a new organization Labor Mobility Partnershi...
Working Groups
The ‘Learning at Scale’ Advisory Group
Jack Rossiter
et al.
October 08, 2019
Learning outcomes are low and instruction is poor in many countries in the Global South. Improving learning outcomes has proven to be difficult, although the number of successful programs is growing. The effective examples have seldom been implemented at large scale, however; and the large-scale suc...
Working Groups
Study Group on Technology, Comparative Advantage, and Development Prospects
Alan Gelb
et al.
August 30, 2018
Advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and information and communications technology have the potential to transform a range of industries and services around the world. While the effects of these changes in OECD countries have been broadly researched, their potential impacts in the developi...
Working Groups
The Future of US Government Development Assistance to Fragile States
Cindy Huang
et al.
August 13, 2018
By 2030, 60 percent of the world’s poor will be concentrated in fragile states, a shift that has prompted the United States to rethink how to confront the particular challenges of these environments and support a path to greater country resilience. Fragile states are where extreme poverty is increas...