Working Groups

Connecting International Labor Markets Working Group
Farah Hani
et al.
October 29, 2019
The goal of the Connecting International Labor Markets Working Group is to ensure workers can access more and better opportunities abroad. The Working Group identifies barriers and opportunities to enhanced labor mobility, in order to inform the design of a new organization Labor Mobility Partnershi...
Shared Border, Shared Future: A Blueprint for Regulating US-Mexico Labor Mobility
Michael Clemens
September 08, 2016
The Shared Border, Shared Future working group explored ways in which the US and Mexican governments could achieve this bilateral cooperation objective with an agreement that addresses fee systems, visa portability, incentives for worker training, return, and integration, and more. The resulting rep...
Improving Migration Data (May 2008–May 2009)
Devesh Kapur
et al.
September 11, 2014
Beyond the Fence Study Group
Alan Gelb
et al.
July 10, 2014
The Beyond the Fence Study Group generates rigorous new research to explore how policy decisions on one side of the US-Mexico border ripple to the other side through illicit markets and to inform a policy debate on more bilateral approaches to innovative regulation.