CGD in the News

The Next Crusade: Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank

April 09, 2007

Writing for the New Yorker, John Cassidy explores the role of Paul Wolfowitz as the president of the World Bank.


From the article:

However, current and former World Bank officials, as well as a number of bank shareholders, have questioned Wolfowitz's actions. Why were projects being suspended in India and not in Indonesia, which by many measures is more corrupt? Why Uzbekistan and not Tajikistan? Why Congo-Brazzaville and not the Democratic Republic of the Congo? "No one in the development community really understands what criteria we should use to withhold lending from poor countries," Nancy Birdsall, the head of the Center for Global Development, a Washington think tank, said. "And they certainly didn't understand what criteria were being used at the bank in the past year or so."