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Three Percent is a Big Difference
March 30, 2020
There is a little-noticed but important difference between the World Bank’s original goal for poverty reduction and the first of the subsequent UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG1).  The difference is that the Bank’s goal was to reach a 3 percent poverty rate by 2030, while the SDG1 is to “e...
SDG1: The Last Three Percent
March 30, 2020
There is a little-noticed but important difference between the World Bank’s original goal for poverty reduction and the subsequent UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). While both target the “$1.90 a day” poverty rate, the Bank’s goal was a 3% rate by 2030, while the SDG is to “eradicate” poverty b...
Blog Post
SkyShares: An Idea to Stop Climate Change Effectively, Efficiently, and Equitably
December 04, 2019
Amid the ongoing discussions at COP25, Arthur Baker rekindles “SkyShares"—a CGD idea that would lock in emissions reductions at the lowest possible cost and support developing countries’ poverty reduction efforts. Explore the interactive framework.
Blog Post
A Quick Guide to 100+ Publications by Economics Nobel Winner Esther Duflo
October 29, 2019
Two weeks ago, Esther Duflo won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences<, together with Abhijit Banerjee and Michael Kremer, “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.” In the blog post below, you’ll find a quick introduction to more than a hundred of ...
Blog Post
Anarchy Undelivered
April 11, 2019
Twenty-five years ago, travel writer and journalist Robert Kaplan wrote an article for The Atlantic, headlined “The Coming Anarchy.” It was an apocalyptic account of Kaplan’s visit to West Africa and his dark vision that much of the world would end up looking like war-torn Sie...
Blog Post
Do the Poor Want Cash Transfers or Public Services?
April 10, 2019
Nearly 4,000 people in rural Bihar, India, answered the question, “Would you rather have the government budget spent on cash transfers or public health and nutrition services?” According to a blog post by Khemani, Habyarimana, and Nooruddin, “only 13 percent chose cash if...
Blog Post
It's Technology, Stupid: How Important is Innovation for Better Development Outcomes?
April 10, 2019
While income growth has been labeled "the holy grail of development," new analysis from Owen Barder, Lee Robinson, and Euan Ritchie suggests that there is just as much value in focusing on promoting innovation and the spread of technology.