Aid Effectiveness

Fusce bibendum nisi lectus, at efficitur est tincidunt eget. Maecenas viverra mi id faucibus ultricies. In ornare nunc sit amet sem varius consectetur. Morbi vehicula nisl metus. Nunc laoreet sapien a velit condimentum finibus tempor id metus. Donec placerat augue ipsum. Donec bibendum euismod venenatis. Fusce bibendum nisi lectus, at efficitur est tincidunt eget. Maecenas viverra mi id faucibus ultricies. In ornare nunc sit amet sem varius consectetur. Morbi vehicula nisl metus. Nunc laoreet sapien a velit condimentum finibus tempor id metus. Donec placerat augue ipsum. Donec bibendum euismod venenatis.

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The Effectiveness of UK AID: Oral Evidence
March 17, 2020
On March 17, Ian Mitchell submitted evidence to the United Kingdom's House of Commons International Development Committee on the effectiveness of UK aid.
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Three Key Ways to Modernize Humanitarian Finance
February 10, 2020
Is the humanitarian system broke or broken? 
Managing Better: What All of Us Can Do to Encourage Aid Success
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Management by way of top-down controls and targets sometimes gets in the way of aid donors’ aims, undermining project success. These unhelpful controls often stem from a need to account for performance; legislatures or executive boards induce agencies to exercise tight process controls and ori...
Actually Navigating by Judgment: Towards a New Paradigm of Donor Accountability Where the Current System Doesn’t Work
February 05, 2020
This paper explores how donors can move towards greater Navigation by Judgment, highlighting the actions people inside and outside aid agencies can work to make change—encouraging more Navigation by Judgment on the margin, starting today. 
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An Attempt at Using Loans as Leverage in Tanzania. What’s Next for Gender Equality Accountability?
January 31, 2020
Here I propose three questions that can allow us to tackle the all-too-often abstract concept of “accountability” for gender equality in a more concrete way.
Revisiting Aid Effectiveness: A New Framework and Set of Measures for Assessing Aid “Quality”
January 27, 2020
This paper revisits the concept of international development aid effectiveness and its measurement as part of a review of the Quality of ODA (QuODA) assessment published regularly since 2010.
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A New Framework to Measure Aid Effectiveness
January 27, 2020
How committed are countries to aid effectiveness? This blog accompanies a recent working paper on the effectiveness of international development aid and lays out indicator for measuring the quality of official development assistance.