Aid Effectiveness

Fusce bibendum nisi lectus, at efficitur est tincidunt eget. Maecenas viverra mi id faucibus ultricies. In ornare nunc sit amet sem varius consectetur. Morbi vehicula nisl metus. Nunc laoreet sapien a velit condimentum finibus tempor id metus. Donec placerat augue ipsum. Donec bibendum euismod venenatis. Fusce bibendum nisi lectus, at efficitur est tincidunt eget. Maecenas viverra mi id faucibus ultricies. In ornare nunc sit amet sem varius consectetur. Morbi vehicula nisl metus. Nunc laoreet sapien a velit condimentum finibus tempor id metus. Donec placerat augue ipsum. Donec bibendum euismod venenatis.

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How much does the U.S. help?
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U.S. aid, global poverty, and the earthquake/tsunami death toll
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Even as the tragedy in Asia elicits an outpouring of charity from Americans, it has sparked controversy over whether America is in fact generous. President Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) chief Andrew Natsios have all asserted that America...
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A Better Bush Legacy: How the president can change history without breaking the bank
March 05, 2004
President Bush literally shoots for the stars in his 2004 budget with a 5.6 percent increase to NASA’s budget. He doesn't just want to win this fall; he wants a legacy. I wonder if he knows that Cadillac legacies are available at Pontiac prices.