CGD in the News

Obama's Economic Aides Praised (Chronicle of Philanthropy)

December 01, 2008

The Chronicle of Philanthropy quotes CGD president Nancy Birdsall on two CGD board members who were appointed to the Obama Administration.

From the article:

"Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is Mr. Obama’s choice for secretary of the U.S. Treasury, while Lawrence Summers, a former Treasury secretary during the Clinton administration and a former president of Harvard University, was tapped to lead the White House National Economic Council.

Both are board members of the Center for Global Development, a think tank in Washington and “are tremendously knowledgeable about the problems and challenges faced by the world’s poor and are committed to policies to help address those problems — both in the interests of the poor in the developing world and of the United States itself,” writes Nancy Birdsall, the center’s president, on its blog."

Read the article