The UK is in an influential and important position to influence development outcomes across the world. Until recently, it was the only country to meet both the targets to spend 2 percent of its national income on defence and 0.7 percent on overseas aid. The Government plans to return to spending 0.7 once debt is falling and its budget is in balance. Additionally, the UK remains a major funder of the “multilateral” system – in 2020, it disbursed more aid through multilaterals than either Germany or the United States.
The UK has taken up several ideas developed or supported by CGD fellows. This includes recent work on the use of disaster risk insurance and cash transfers in humanitarian relief; committing to an improved trade for development regime after Brexit; pushing for humanitarian reform; using CGD’s Commitment to Development Index to assess policy coherence; and using development impact bonds and advanced market commitments.
CGD’s work on UK Development Policy is led by the Europe Program.
The Future of UK Development Policy
The UK was once seen as a leader in international development, but amid a series of crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and spikes in energy and food prices triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has stepped back in recent years, with majo...
The UK Role in Global Health: Present Challenges and Future DirectionsVIRTUAL
February 21, 2024 6:00—7:30 AM EDT | 11.00am – 12:30pm GMT -
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