The Darfur Dilemma in the African Union

January 13, 2006
CNN is reporting that the African Union is considering handing over peacekeeping responsibilities in Darfur, where it has 6,000 troops trying to stop Sudanese forces and government-sponsored militias from killing civilians, to the UN.
"The time has come to make a pronouncement on the future of the AU Mission in Darfur and the ways and means to adapt it to the present challenges, including the hand-over to the United Nations at the appropriate time."
This suggests that the AU has failed its first real test to stop genocide on the continent. This is surely disappointing and bodes poorly for future collective security. But perhaps the most disturbing aspect is that the final decision on the next move will be made at the AU summit later this month to be hosted by (who else?)….Sudan. Shall we expect a hardline Khartoum Declaration against Khartoum? Maybe when Harare lives up to the Harare Declaration.


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