Uganda and Kenya Testing the Threshold Program Limits

February 19, 2007

On February 14, the Millennium Challenge Corporation Board approved two-year anti-corruption Threshold Programs for Uganda and Kenya. The Board has now approved a total of 13 Threshold Programs, all but one focused predominantly on fighting corruption. And while the programs all appear to be decent stand-alone anti-corruption programs addressing real obstacles to development in the countries, it is entirely unclear if, in two years' time, these programs will push the countries' corruption indicators into green. The case of Kenya is particularly questionable in this regard.The approval of the Uganda and Kenya programs perhaps demonstrates a subtle shift in how the MCC plans on using the Threshold Program. Perhaps less aimed to bringing countries into full indicator eligibility and more toward taking on some risky but hugely important programs that could pave the way for broader development gains. I'll be spending more time assessing the impact and opportunities of the Threshold Program...tell me what you think. Is it (and/or should it) be so directly linked to improving the MCA eligibility indicators?


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