US Energy Policy Hypocrisy vs. Global Energy Poverty

June 25, 2015

The Electrify Africa Act is back, re-vamped for 2015 and a new session of Congress. Representatives Royce, Engel, and Bass introduced the bill this week (the House passed an earlier version last year, but the Senate didn’t vote on corresponding legislation before the end of the last congressional session). It includes many important provisions that aim to help African countries extend access to electricity to at least 50 million people by 2020.

While this legislation (as well as Power Africa, the presidential initiative it parallels) is a great step towards expanding energy access, and even states it will promote an "all-of-the-above" energy strategy for Africa, the persistent truth is that the United States' energy policies towards poor countries have been hypocritical. We’ve created an infographic to point out some of these inconsistencies and why they’re undermining the kind of transformative impact the Electrify Africa Act is trying to achieve.

[click image to enlarge]

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