Ideas to action: independent research for global prosperity
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Washington, DC
12:00—1:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
January 26, 2022
Rising inequality and widespread poverty, social unrest and polarization, gender and ethnic disparities, declining social mobility, economic fragility, unbalanced growth due to technology and globalization, and existential danger from climate change are urgent global concerns. These issues are inter...
Blog Post
July 01, 2015
One needs just to look at the newspaper headlines to see that the problem of migrants is growing daily in Europe and that its gravity is greater than before. The number of migrants this year has already exceeded 100,000 (about 15 percent higher than the last, record, year); the number of the d...
Blog Post
January 21, 2015
You may find the answer surprising, but the most recent data show that the world as a whole is becoming more equal, driven by fast growth rates of China and India and slower growth rates in rich countries. A decrease in the US mean income from 2008 to 2011, for instance, makes global convergenc...
12:00—1:30 PM
November 24, 2014
The last quarter century of globalization has witnessed the largest reshuffle of global incomes since the Industrial Revolution. Branko Milanovic finds that the main factor behind the reshuffle was the rise of China and, to a slightly lesser extent, all of Asia. By tracking the evolution of individu...