


9:00—10:15 AM ET / 2:00-3:15 p.m. BST

Within Our Orbit: The Promise of Space Capabilities in Global Economic Development


Rose Croshier, Author, CGD
Alex Chunet, European Space Agency Liaison to the World Bank
Val Munsami, Founder, Africa Space Leadership Institute
Krystal Azelton, Director of Space Applications Programs at Secure World Foundation
Gyude Moore (moderator), Senior Policy Fellow, CGD

Opening Remarks

  • Amanda Glassman, Executive Vice President, Senior Fellow, CGD

This event will be hosted in-person at CGD's DC office: 2055 L St NW, 5th floor, Washington, DC 20036

For most of human existence, space has been unreachable and mysterious. Today, however, satellites are launched into space about every three days- underpinning telecommunications, utilities, financial institutions, and other elements of global daily life. Satellites also offer the potential to accelerate economic growth, build resilience against natural and humanmade disasters, and enable every one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. 

What is impeding space-enabled development? The misconception that building domestic space capabilities is a cost-prohibitive venture, reserved only for wealthier nations. On the contrary, while the degree of space investment and activity varies, even a modest national space program can realize outsized benefits. 

Join the Center for Global Development and the Secure World Foundation to explore benefits and design options for a national space program. In a new illustrated Handbook for Space Capability Development, former CGD research fellow Rose Croshier makes the case for why all governments should invest in space capability and offers practical steps for developing a sustainable program.

Her presentation will be followed by a panel discussion and a book signing. Breakfast will be provided.

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