Agricultural market liberalization is essential in achieving a successful Doha Round agreement because these are the most protected markets remaining in most rich countries. But the implications for developing countries, especially the poorest, are more complex than the current debate suggests.
Center for Global Development and Peterson Institute for International Economics co-hosted a book launch for Joint Senior Fellow Kimberly Elliott’s Delivering on Doha: Farm Trade and the Poor, featuring keynote speaker Ernesto Zedillo, Director of Yale Center for the Study of Globalization and Professor at Yale University and Former President of Mexico. Elliott's book examines the structure of agricultural support in rich countries and explores the challenges as well as opportunities that developing countries might face if the Doha Round succeeds in reforming OECD agriculture policies.
C. Fred Bergsten, Director of Peterson Institute for International Economics, served as moderator of the discussion and Nancy Birdsall, President of Center for Global Development, served as a discussant.
- Read event transcript (pdf, 132KB)
- Download Kimberly Elliott's presentation (pdf, 58KB)
- Read Ernesto Zedillo's remarks (pdf, 52KB)
*Watch video clips from the event:
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