April 22-23, 2009
The New Ideas in Development After the Financial Crisis Conference, sponsored by CGD and the Bernard L. Schwartz Forum on Constructive Capitalism, was held on April 22nd and 23rd, 2009. The goal of the conference was to examine the implications of the global financial crisis on existing development strategies. Panels of distinguished academics and policy practitioners explored how different regions of the developing world are interpreting this crisis and how they are likely to respond on a national and international level.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Opening Remarks
Access transcript (pdf, 73K)
Nancy Birdsall, President, Center for Global Development
Francis Fukuyama, Director of International Development, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Bernard L. Schwartz, Chairman, BLS Investments LLC
Panel I: Causes of the global financial crisis and the implications for national development strategies
Access Panel I transcript (pdf, 176K)
Moderator: Roger Leeds, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Larry Diamond, Hoover Center, Stanford University
Anne Krueger, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Arvind Subramanian, Johns Hopkins SAIS, Center for Global Development
John Williamson, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Panel II: Interpretations and implications of the global financial crisis: An Asian perspective
Access Panel II transcript (pdf, 204K)
Moderator: Pieter Bottelier, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Yasheng Huang, MIT, Sloan School of Business
Devesh Kapur, University of Pennsylvania
Mitsurhiro Maeda, Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies
Ramkishen Rajan, George Mason University
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Panel III: Interpretations and implications of the global financial crisis: An African, European, and Latin American perspective
Access Panel III transcript (pdf, 169K)
Moderator: Todd Moss, Center for Global Development
Santiago Levy, Inter-American Development Bank
Benno Ndulu, Bank of Tanzania
Jose-Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University SIPA
Mitchell Orenstein, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Panel IV: New approaches to international cooperation and institutions after the crisis
Access Panel IV transcript (pdf, 176K)
Moderator: Liliana Rojas-Suarez, Center for Global Development
Kemal Dervis, Brookings Institution
Justin Lin, World Bank
Sebastian Mallaby, Maurice Greenberg Center For Geoeconomic Studies
Minxin Pei, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Keynote Address: Multilateralism and the Role of the IMF in the Financial Crisis
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Access Keynote Address transcript (pdf, 135K)
Panel V: Going forward: New ideas in development for a new world
Access Panel V transcript (pdf, 191K)
Moderator: Jessica Einhorn, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Thomas Carothers, Carnegie Endowment for Peace
Michael Clemens, Center for Global Development (Listen to this presentation)
Danny Leipziger, World Bank
Lant Pritchett, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Closing Remarks
Access transcript (pdf, 88K)
Nancy Birdsall, President, Center for Global Development
Francis Fukuyama, Director of International Development, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Access conference overview, panel topics and information on conference participants.