


5:00—6:30 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L ST NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

The Ninth Annual Richard H. Sabot Lecture: An African Miracle? Implications of Recent Research on Growth Economics

Dani Rodrik
Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science
Institute for Advanced Study

Dani Rodrik was featured speaker of CGD’s ninth annual Richard H. Sabot Lecture honoring the life and work of Richard “Dick” Sabot, a friend, co-author, and founding member of CGD's board of directors.

Rodrik is the Albert O. Hirschman Professor of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study. Previously, he was the Rafiq Hariri Professor of International Political Economy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Rodrik was awarded the inaugural Albert O. Hirschman Prize of the Social Science Research Council in 2007 as well as the Leontief Award for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. His 1997 book Has Globalization Gone Too Far? was called “one of the most important economics books of the decade.”

Analysts agree that industrialization and diversification away from traditional products have been critical in Asian and other growth miracles. Africa, by contrast, has recently experienced significant growth in GDP and overall productivity despite advancing little on these fronts. Rodrik’s lecture examined recent research in growth economics that emphasizes economic dualism and the role of structural change in fostering rapid economic growth, and asked the question “can Africa’s growth be sustained or is a different growth model needed?”

CGD president Nancy Birdsall hosted this event and served as moderator for the discussion following the talk.

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