


12:00—1:30 PM

The World Bank's New Strategy for Africa

Alan Gelb and Todd Moss of the World Bank Africa Region group presented " The World Bank's New Strategy for Africa. "

The World Bank's Assistance Strategy for Africa (ASAF) lays out the strategic framework for IDA's work in Africa over the next several years, as well as sets out benchmarks for assessing future performance. It seeks to sharpen IDA's strategic focus and outline the emerging aid relationship - thus attempting to answer both the "what?" and the "how?". ASAF's goal is to provide strategic direction for country strategies, rather than a rigid template. It is not intended as a catalogue of IDA's wide-ranging activities; nor is it a compilation of country or sub-regional strategies. It is primarily an internal Bank document to help IDA define core priorities and future directions for its work in Sub-Saharan Africa, but will be made available publicly upon completion and board approval later this summer.

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