Chapter 5 Refined

March 20, 2011

The long march is coming to an end. As you can see, I'm making a big push to get the darn book done. I just posted a re-edited chapter 5 (.docx, .pdf). I hope to have 6 and 7 ready for the editor by the end of the month.The original post for this chapter summarizes it.Along with editing the whole text, I inserted a table, salvaged from chapter 4, on the prevalence of microcredit in various countries and regions; updated the tables; added some block quotes from Vikram Akula's book on his pursuit of efficiency at SKS; fixed dated references to India and Nicaragua; stripped out some loaded, negative, passing descriptions of MFIs such of how they "impose on the time of the customers"; and responded to some appropriately challenging comments from reviewers on fine points.


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