For the past 18 months, CGD has incubated the Energy for Growth Hub, a new initiative dedicated to the idea that energy should be an enabler, not a barrier, to human potential. The Hub is now ready to fly on its own.
So far, we’ve built an incredible global network of people spanning research, advocacy, business, and policy. We’ve started producing short policy-relevant content on critical issues for modern energy systems in Africa and Asia, such as utility-scale solar, exploiting big data, and the gas-to-power value chain.
Most of all, we’re pushing to elevate global ambitions when it comes to fighting energy poverty. Yes, a billion people live without electricity at home. But at least 3 billion people live in places where electricity is a first-order constraint to getting a job.
The Hub’s mission is to use data and evidence to encourage infrastructure that enables economic transformation and prosperity. Energy solutions that just mitigate the worst effects of poverty are not good enough.
On a personal note: After 15 wonderful years at CGD, I’m moving to direct the Energy for Growth Hub full time. This exciting change is a natural progression as the Hub literally grew out of CGD’s energy program, where I’m especially proud of the More Than a Lightbulb report and our dogged tracking of Power Africa. I’ll stay affiliated with CGD as a visiting fellow and continue to monitor the BUILD Act and the evolution of the US Development Finance Corporation.
And a request to please stay in touch: If you’ve enjoyed CGD’s energy work and share our belief that everyone deserves a high-energy future, I hope that you’ll follow the Hub on Twitter and sign up here for our newsletter.
CGD blog posts reflect the views of the authors, drawing on prior research and experience in their areas of expertise.
CGD is a nonpartisan, independent organization and does not take institutional positions.