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December 01, 2022
10:30—12:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
No matter where they live, women and girls shoulder a disproportionate share of unpaid carework responsibilities, including those focused on childcare. The gendered nature of childcare limits women and girls’ educational attainment, workforce advancement, and full participation in community life. Though a well-recognized barrier to gender equality and economic development, there is still little rigorous evidence on what works to reduce this demand on women and girls’ time – and how early childhood development policies and programs can be better designed with women and girls’ time poverty in mind.
CGD will focus its fifth annual Birdsall House Conference on Women on the linkages between early childhood development and women’s economic empowerment, bringing researchers, practitioners, and policymakers focused on both topics together to learn from one another. The conference will explore evidence-based solutions that benefit mothers, older sisters, other caregivers, and children themselves and discuss how they can be implemented and scaled.
KehindeAjayi (World Bank): “Women’s Work, Childcare, and Context” (slides)
David Evans (CGD): “Public Childcare, Child Development, and Labor Market Outcomes” (slides)
Sabrina Habib (Kidogo): “Kidogo: An innovative social franchising model to increase access to quality childcare in Kenya's low-income communities” (slides)
10:45 – 11:00am Coffee break
11:00am – 12:00pm Keynote 1: Measuring (and Using) the Unmeasurable: Bargaining Power, Beliefs, and Child Development
Patricia Wekulo (APHRC): “Male involvement in childcare activities and the influence of gender stereotyping in Kenya” (slides)
Ruti Levtov (Promundo): “Transforming gender relations to promote child well-being: the experience of Program P/Bandebereho in Rwanda” (slides)
5:30 – 6:00pm Reception
The Birdsall House Conference on Women
Every year, the Birdsall House Conference on Women brings together leading academics and policymakers to discuss cutting-edge research focused on improving outcomes for women in low- and middle-income countries. The theme of this year’s event is “Early Childhood Development Through a Gender Lens: Designing Policies that Work for the Whole Family.”
Information about previous Birdsall House Conferences is available here: