


2:00—3:30 PM EDT | 6-7:30 PM GMT, followed by a reception until 9pm
London, SW1Y 5AH

The Future of Development: An Evening with Carsten Staur

Keynote Speaker

Carsten Staur, OECD DAC Chair


Mikaela Gavas, Managing Director, CGD Europe and Senior Policy Fellow

Geopolitical risks are rapidly converging, making the world more crisis-prone and the development landscape more fragile, while shaping international cooperation. The global nature of development challenges has exposed the limits of the current architecture and instruments in addressing this changing development landscape. As the portfolio of development providers has widened, and with new and diversified development actors bringing a broad range of perspectives on how Official Development Assistance (ODA) should be used to meet global challenges, the role and relevance of ODA and its governing body – the OECD-DAC – are at a crossroads.   

To discuss these challenges, CGD Europe is hosting a conversation with Carsten Staur, Chair of the OECD DAC. During this private event, Staur will reflect on his first year in post and offer his insights into how development cooperation and institutions will need to evolve to address the issues defining the current and future development era. The evening will conclude with a reception and networking.

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