Europe Programme

CGD’s work generates practical proposals for Europe and the UK to enhance their effectiveness as global development actors and their collective impact within the international development system. 

As the single largest source of development finance, Europe plays an important role in shaping the global development agenda and facilitating progress. The UK is one of the five largest providers of aid and is historically the largest provider of aid to the multilateral system making it an important leader in global development. 

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Program Goals

The European Development Policy and Leadership Program combines research, convening and policy propositions to help European governments, their development finance institutions and international organisations shape agendas, strengthen their partnerships and collaboration, and improve their development offer. Our objectives are to enhance the impact of development policies and finance, improve transparency, and create a more cohesive and coordinated system for effective development cooperation.

UK flag waving by Westminister Abbey and Big Ben
Encouraging effective UK development policy and leadership

More effective and coherent UK development policy and leadership of the global development agenda.


A field of solar panels at sunset
Promoting climate finance effectiveness

Official development agencies and multilateral institutions achieve a step-up in the effectiveness and value for money of climate finance and encourage coherence between policies and targets on climate, finance, and development.


EU flags waving
Influencing the allocation of EU development finance for maximum development impact

EU leadership of a cohesive and coordinated development finance system investing where the need and potential impact are greatest.


CGD's Commitment to Development Index interface, removing 40 rich world and emerging economies across 8 areas of development.
Policy coherence and peer learning through research and benchmarking

Government policies beyond aid that support development and official development agencies that are fit for purpose, responsive to the changing development landscape and delivering effective development.


Program Goals

The European Development Policy and Leadership Program combines research, convening and policy propositions to help European governments, their development finance institutions and international organisations shape agendas, strengthen their partnerships and collaboration, and improve their development offer. Our objectives are to enhance the impact of development policies and finance, improve transparency, and create a more cohesive and coordinated system for effective development cooperation.

EU flags waving
Influencing the allocation of EU development finance for maximum development impact

EU leadership of a cohesive and coordinated development finance system investing where the need and potential impact are greatest.


UK flag waving by Westminister Abbey and Big Ben
Encouraging effective UK development policy and leadership

More effective and coherent UK development policy and leadership of the global development agenda.


CGD's Commitment to Development Index interface, removing 40 rich world and emerging economies across 8 areas of development.
Policy coherence and peer learning through research and benchmarking

Government policies beyond aid that support development and official development agencies that are fit for purpose, responsive to the changing development landscape and delivering effective development.


A field of solar panels at sunset
Promoting climate finance effectiveness

Official development agencies and multilateral institutions achieve a step-up in the effectiveness and value for money of climate finance and encourage coherence between policies and targets on climate, finance, and development.