


10:30—12:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

From Macro to Micro—How Ready Is Latin America for Tougher Times Ahead?

A Latin America Initiative Event


Augusto de la Torre
Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank

Santiago Levy
Vice-President, Inter-American Development Bank

Nora Lustig
Professor, Tulane University
Non-Resident Fellow, Center for Global Development

Liliana Rojas-Suarez
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Latin America stands out in the developing world as a region where growth prospects are being significantly revised downwards by multilateral organizations and market analysts. What’s next for a region facing slowing economic growth? To understand these developments and advance policy recommendations, the panel discussed a number of issues facing Latin American growth and development in the road ahead.

• What additional risk factors in the external environment might hit the region even harder? And is the region ready to face them? Can lower growth turn into crisis?

• Beyond the short-term outlook, what long-standing domestic constraints can seriously impair Latin America’s future growth?

• Can the productivity-gap challenges be met? How?

• After a decade of improvements, has declining inequality come to an end?


Growth, Redistribution, Poverty and the Middle Class, by Nora Lustig

Productivity in Latin America, by Santiago Levy

Saving for Growth: New Views on an Old Latin American Debate, by Augusto de la Torre

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