Yuen Yuen Ang, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, author of winning essay on the future of foreign aid
Daniel Honig, Assistant Professor of International Development at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, author of winning essay on the future of development aid
Mahmoud Mohieldin, World Bank Group Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, United Nations Relations, and Partnerships
Rodrigo Salvado, Deputy Director, Development Policy and Finance at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
William Savedoff, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Wade Warren, Assistant to the Administrator for the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning at USAID
Pierre Jacquet, President, Global Development Network
What should tomorrow’s aid agencies look like in a landscape where the global goal is to ensure sustainable development? In the past, the role of aid has mainly been to “finance” specific projects or services, with a strong sense of donor identity and marked projections of donor interests. A modern approach to development assistance, however, focuses on the catalytic role of institutions and their capacity to mobilize expertise and resources towards shared objectives.
The Global Development Network (GDN) and the Center for Global Development (CGD) bring you a panel discussion on the future of aid agencies.The panel will discuss a range of questions on the topic, including:
-How should development actors work to sustain development in the next fifteen years?
-What specific skills do these actors need to advance the development finance agenda?
-Should aid agencies remain pivotal to global aid?
The event will feature two winning authors of the Next Horizons Essay Contest, a global competition for ideas on the future of development assistance, run by the Global Development Network in 2014 and 2015 with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Starting with their insight, the expert panel will help advance the debate on the future of development assistance.