The Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa in July represents one of President Obama’s last major opportunities to secure his development legacy. This memo offers 14 proposals from the Center's experts for commitments the United States Government should consider advancing for the Conference on Financing for Development. Each of the proposals has the opportunity to yield tremendous development impact, some as standalone USG commitments, and others as commitments ripe for broader cooperation.
- A Grand Bargain on Infrastructure: Commit to A Global Partnership on Sustainable Infrastructure Financing
- Financing Infrastructure Development: Commit to Increase MDB Infrastructure Financing by 2018
- Better Leverage for Concessional Resources, Starting with the World Bank: Commit to a Bank Resource Review
- Leverage the Investment Community: Commit to Development of an Impact Investing Framework
- Trade and FDI: Commit to Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITS) that Promote Development
- Catalysing Private Investment: Commit to Service Performance Guarantees
- Make Private-Sector Investment Work for Development: Commit to Publish Government Contracts
- Private-Sector Finance of Technical Training for Development: Commit to Global Skills Partnerships
- Limiting Illicit Financial Flows: Commit to Eliminating Anonymous Ownership and Ensuring Automatic Tax Information Exchange
- Increase Domestic Resource Mobilization: Commit to a Multilateral DRM Fund
- Increase DRM and Public Health: Commit to Increase Tobacco Excise Taxes
- 20 by 2020: Commit to Ensure at Least 20 Percent of DAC Donor’s Development Assistance is Provided on the Basis of Development Outcomes by the end of 2020.