Economics & Marginalia

Economics and Marginalia is an attempt to keep ahead of the avalanche of content published every week – the writing on economics, politics, development and pop culture that keeps my brain occupied. In it, I pick between 5 and 10 of my favourite pieces of -mainly- popular economics and political commentary every week and briefly summarise what I liked about it, or what it taught me, in an accessible way.

The guiding spirit behind this blog is that the world is complicated but comprehensible, and I look to showcase writing that doesn’t dumb down the complexity, but puts a premium on clarity.

More from the Series

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Economics & Marginalia: December 20, 2024
December 20, 2024
I need to start with a bit of news, as promised last week. As some of you may have spotted online already, in the new year, I will be leaving CGD after four and half great years to become the Deputy Chief Economist (Development) at FCDO. It’s a great opportunity to do some good in the world, and if ...
Blog Post
Economics & Marginalia: December 13, 2024
December 13, 2024
A bit of housekeeping as we get started: next week’s will be the last Economics and Marginalia of the year. It will also feature some news, so do keep your eyes peeled (and yes, this is a brazen attempt to keep readers interested right up to the last edition). Though the year is coming to a close, i...
Blog Post
Economics & Marginalia: December 6, 2024
December 06, 2024
Sorry if the links are a little late getting to you today: I’ve just been decorating the Christmas tree with the little one. The tree is massive: it did not look nearly so big when we selected it, surrounded by many other even bigger trees and what I can only assume were strategically-hired giants w...
Blog Post
Economics & Marginalia: November 29, 2024
November 29, 2024
Every year I do this teaching, I am given cause to reflect on Richard Feynman’s advice: to really understand something, teach it. Though some questions come up time and again, every year there are a few I’d never heard before, every year an argument or an example that is new to me. Teaching older st...