Drug Resistance Working Group (November 2007 – June 2010)

September 10, 2014

The Drug Resistance Working Group is focusing on the potential for solutions effected collectively or individually by organizations that operate at the global level. The Group draws on the strength of its diverse composition to extend the problem-solving conversation around drug resistance into and among communities that all have an interest, but rarely have the opportunity to forge joint solutions. In doing so, members stimulate each other’s active commitment to address the problem, possibly through changes in funding, policies and program implementation.

The main product of the Working Group will be a policy report identifying practical and feasible actions (anticipated in Spring 2010). The report will include recommendations for the global donor community, outlining the responsibilities different actors should bear, while pointing out opportunities and needs at the local, national, and intra-institutional levels. The findings will be disseminated to decision-makers in key development and funding organizations, as well as key private sector interests, through targeted briefings, events, and outreach.

Membership & Composition
The Drug Resistance Working Group is chaired by Rachel Nugent of the Center for Global Development under the auspices of CGD's Global Health Policy Research Network. Support is provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Members of the Working Group were invited to join in a personal capacity and on a voluntary basis, and include experts from the pharmaceutical industry, public health sectors in developing and developed countries, technical and funding agencies, product development partnerships, advocacy organizations and academia.

  • Rachel Nugent, Center for Global Development
  • Emma Back, independent consultant
  • Ted Bianco, Wellcome Trust
  • Nancy Blum, independent consultant
  • Joanne Carter, RESULTS Educational Fund
  • Gail Cassell, Eli Lilly and Company
  • John Chalker, Management Sciences for Health
  • Alexander Dodoo, University of Ghana Medical School
  • Dai Ellis, Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative
  • Susan Foster, Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics
  • Fred Goldberg, Saltchuk Resources Inc.
  • Martha Gyansa-Lutterodt, Ghana National Drugs Programme
  • Jerry Keusch, Boston University School of Public Health
  • Ruth Levine, Center for Global Development
  • Paul Nunn, World Health Organization/Stop TB
  • Iruka Okeke, Haverford College
  • Kevin Outterson, Boston University School of Law
  • Mead Over, Center for Global Development
  • Eddie Power, Schering-Plough
  • Andrew Ramsay, World Health Organization/Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
  • Renee Ridzon, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • David Roos, University of Pennsylvania
  • Harvey Rubin, University of Pennsylvania
  • Carol Sibley, University of Washington
  • Suniti Solomon, Y.R. Gaitonde Center for AIDS Research & Education
  • Walter Straus, Merck Vaccines and Infectious Diseases
  • Thelma Tupasi, Tropical Disease Foundation
  • Saul Walker, UK Department for International Development
  • Nicholas White, Mahidol University
  • Prashant Yadav, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program