Working Groups

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A New Grand Bargain to Improve the Antimicrobial Market for Human Health
Amanda Glassman
et al.
June 27, 2022
While there have been high-level commitments from the World Health Assembly, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the G20, and the G7 to tackle AMR, there has yet to be a fundamental change in how we purchase antimicrobials, or an international approach to improving access, fostering innovati...
Working Group on New Evidence Tools for Policy Impact
Amanda Glassman
et al.
June 01, 2021
CGD recently launched a working group to consider how the next generation of investments in impact evaluations—as part of the broader evidence and data ecosystem—can enhance their usefulness, responsiveness, and relevance for public policy decision-making. A renewed agenda is needed to help increase...
Forced Displacement and Development Study Group
Cindy Huang
et al.
September 15, 2016
CGD and IRC are convening a joint study group to explore what a sound partnership framework between host governments and development and humanitarian actors might look like in protracted displacement scenarios. This effort is guided by a vision of displaced people having meaningful opportunities tha...
Payouts for Perils: Insurance Contracts for Better Emergency and Humanitarian Aid
Owen Barder
et al.
July 08, 2016
Humanitarian and emergency assistance is overstretched and underfunded. Many people living in countries with weak or cash-strapped government services live with the daily risk of disaster. This working group is examining how vulnerable countries and frontline humanitarian agencies can make use ...
Energy Access Targets Working Group
Ben Leo
et al.
April 20, 2015
The Energy Access Targets Working Group will assess the current common definition of “modern energy access” and propose possible alternative targets. With at least a billion people worldwide living without electricity, and many millions more held back by blackouts and high costs, im...
The Unintended Consequences of Rich Countries’ Anti–Money Laundering Policies on Poor Countries
Alan Gelb
et al.
January 23, 2015
The Unintended Consequences of Rich Countries’ Anti-Money Laundering Policies on Poor Countries Working Group examined how rich countries might rebalance their policies to continue to protect against money laundering and terrorism financing without hindering the ability of people from poor countries...
Task Force on Regulatory Standards for Financial Inclusion
Alan Gelb
et al.
December 18, 2014
Increased financial inclusion—greater access by the poor to the use of payments, deposits, credits, insurance and risk-management services—can improve the opportunities and welfare of people living in poverty. 
The Future of IDA Working Group
Alan Gelb
et al.
September 15, 2014