CGD Podcast: Supporting Women Economists in Latin America with Ana María Ibáñez

Development institutions have come a long way on diversity. Yet, while women make up almost 70 percent of administrative roles at international financial institutions (IFIs), they only represent about 35 percent of managerial roles. Fewer than one in five IFI board members are women.

Building on the conversations I had with Amie Batson and Francisco Ferreira in October, CGD's 9th Annual Birdsall House Conference on Gender Equality shined a spotlight on the challenges women face rising to leadership positions at IFIs.

On this episode of the CGD Podcast, I'm pleased to continue those conversations with Ana María Ibáñez, Vice President of Sectors and Knowledge at the Interamerican Development Bank. Ana María has played a key role in mentoring other women in the field, and is one of the authors of a new report on The Status of Women in the Economics Profession in Latin America, which presents findings from a 2022 survey of universities and research institutions across 10 Latin American countries.

Together we discuss the statistics revealed in the report, the reflection of cultural norms in education and the workplace, and the importance of role models and mentors in shaping expectations.


Stereotype threat and women’s perceptions about math skills:

Importance of role models: 

Child penalty in wages in Latin America: 

Claudia Goldin on the gender wage gap: 

Time poverty of women: 

The importance of mentorship:

Extended parental leave: 


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