Is there any hope for mobilizing the trillions needed for the SDGs?

Vanessa Fajans-Turner
Mark Plant
Vijaya Ramachandran
Alexia Latortue
September 23, 2019

When world leaders meet at the United Nations on September 26 to review progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one issue on the agenda will be whether the world is on track to mobilize the necessary funding.

Right now, we are nowhere near moving from the billions to trillions of dollars needed to make the SDGs a reality by 2030. And on current plans, we are unlikely to do so. Does that mean we should scale down our ambitions, or can we do a better job of raising the money that’s needed?

Is there any hope for mobilizing the trillions needed for the SDGs? We at CGD put that question to four experts: Vanessa Fajans-Turner of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Alexia Latortue of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Mark Plant and Vijaya Ramachandran of CGD. We want to hear from you too—because we all have a vested interest in ensuring the SDGs don’t become unfulfilled aspirations.