Dr. Donghyun Park, Economic Advisor, Economic Research and Development Impact Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Mr. Eduardo Klien, Regional Director for East Asia and Pacific, HelpAge International
Prof. Norma Binti Mansor, Director, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Prof. Paulin Tay Straughan, Director, Centre for Research on Successful Aging, Singapore Management University
Sanjeev Gupta, Senior Fellow Emeritus, Center for Global Development
This event will center on the well-being of aging populations in Asia, a demographic set to expand significantly in the coming years. Recognizing the four pivotal dimensions of well-being—health, employment, economic stability, and social involvement—the discussion will delve into the policy reforms necessary for Asian countries to prioritize the welfare of their older citizens. The policy objective should be to ensure that present and upcoming generations of elderly Asians enjoy healthy, fulfilling, financially stable, and socially active lives.