


9:00—3:30 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

CGD Program Launch: Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy


Louise Arbour, United Nations Special Representative for International Migration

Denis McDonough, Senior Principal, Markle Foundation and former White House Chief of Staff

The Honourable Ratna Omidvar, Senate of Canada and Co-Chair, World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Migration

Eric Schwartz, President, Refugees International and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration

Michael Gerson, Columnist, Washington Post and former Director of Presidential Speechwriting

Feras Momani, Director, The Jordan Compact Management Unit, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation

Catherine Bertini, Fellow, The Rockefeller Foundation and former Executive Director of the UN World Food Program

Bathsheba Crocker, Vice President of Humanitarian Programs & Policy, CARE and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs

As countries struggle with political pressures to close borders and question the value of traditional aid to humanitarian emergencies, divisive rhetoric can often drown out reasoned debate. The imperative for pragmatic evidence on migration, forced displacement, and humanitarian policies has never been greater.

Our conference will convene government officials, academic experts, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss the evidence base and mutually beneficial solutions. We hope it will help foster constructive dialogue around the global compacts on migration and refugees, and advance policy discussion on a range of issues such as innovative labor mobility agreements, compacts for refugee and host livelihoods, and reform of the humanitarian system.

At this event, CGD will also release the first report of the program’s flagship project, preliminarily titled, Migration Is What You Make It, which will synthesize evidence on the economic, social, and other impacts of human mobility, and how policy can shape these impacts for greater benefit for host and origin countries as well as migrants themselves.

The detailed agenda is available here.



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