Introduction by
Nancy Birdsall
President, Center for Global Development
Keynote Speaker
Donald Kaberuka
President, African Development Bank
Haishan Fu, World Bank
Mark Suzman, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Amanda Glassman, Center for Global Development
With Remarks by
Alex Ezeh, African Population Health and Research Center
Since the term “data revolution” was brandished in the High-Level Panel report on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, there has been a great deal of activity to define, develop, and drive an agenda that could transform the way development statistics are collected and used throughout the world. But nowhere is the need for better data more urgent than in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite a decade of rapid economic growth in most countries, the accuracy of many types of basic data remains low, and improvements have been sluggish.
Country action should drive the data revolution from the bottom up, but high-level activities surrounding the post-2015 development agenda can and must help catalyze progress on national statistics. This event will highlight the need for more timely, accurate, and open data in Africa, and discuss strategies to help national governments, donors, technical agencies, and the producers and users of statistics to drive a data revolution that can be led and sustained in the region.
The event will mark the launch of the Data for African Development Working Group report, Delivering on the Data Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa, co-chaired by Amanda Glassman from the Center for Global Development and Alex Ezeh from the African Population Health and Research Center in Nairobi, Kenya.