


3:00—5:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Global Health Best Buys

It’s a moral imperative that money spent on global health be used as effectively as possible to prevent and treat diseases and save lives. But sound investments in global health are defined in many ways: a cost-effective commodity or technology, a well-trained health workforce, or an evidence-informed policy. This event will convene experts from implementing agencies, governments, researcher institutions, and the private sector to discuss and debate what makes a “best buy” in global health.

The first panel will explore the enabling elements that help health interventions succeed – such as a favorable regulatory environment, a functioning health system, political will, and donor support – and debate why interventions have succeeded in some contexts and not others. The second panel will highlight examples of specific global health interventions being deployed by donors and governments, and discuss why – or why not – they are a good investment based on considerations of innovation, health impact, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.

This event is being held in partnership with PSI, PATH, and Devex and will mark the launch of the Spring edition of PSI’s Impact Magazine, “The Best Buys Issue: Where to Invest in Global Health in 2014.” This program was also supported by a grant from Merck, through its Merck for Mothers Program.

Panel 1: The Value of an Enabling Environment - What Makes an Investment Successful?

  • Amanda Glassman, Director of Global Health Policy, CGD (moderator)
  • Karen Cavanaugh, Director, Office of Health Systems, Bureau for Global Health, USAID
  • Karl Hofmann, President and CEO, PSI
  • Nicole Klingen, Sector Manager, Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank
  • Kaakpema "KP" Yelpaala, Founder and CEO,
Panel 2: Today’s Innovations - Where to Invest in Global Health in 2014
  • Raj Kumar, President and Editor-in-Chief, Devex (moderator)
  • Amie Batson, Chief Strategy Officer, PATH
  • Jim Cunningham, Senior Principal Scientist, Merck Research Labs
  • Mark Grabowsky, Chief Operating Officer, UNSEO
  • Anastasia Thatcher, Global Health Lead, Accenture Development Partnerships

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