- Michael Kremer, University Professor in Economics and Director of Development Innovation Lab, University of Chicago; Recipient of 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics; Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow, Center for Global Development
- Stephen Luby, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute, Stanford University
- Patrick Amoth, Acting Director General for Health, Ministry of Health, Kenya; President of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization for the African Region
- Pascaline Dupas, Professor of Economics, Stanford University; Faculty Director, Stanford King Center on Global Development; Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
- Amanda Glassman, Executive Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Access to safe water remains a challenge for many parts of the world. More than two billion people still drink contaminated water, and 1.5 million people die each year from diarrhea. However, despite water treatment being widely available, inexpensive, and effective, it has often been excluded from lists of cost-effective child survival interventions due to a lack of evidence. A new meta-analysis of 15 studies finds that water treatment reduces child mortality by about 30 percent, suggesting that water treatment is a highly cost-effective way of saving lives; every $35 spent on water treatment could add a year of healthy life.
Please join the Center for Global Development (CGD) and the Development Innovation Lab (DIL) at the University of Chicago for a conversation with the authors about the results and policy implications of their new study. The working paper and research brief will be linked on the CGD event page shortly before the event begins.
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