


9:30—11:00 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

How May We Help You? A Conversation on Consent in Global Development


Nana Apenem Dagadu, Research and Evaluation Expert
Angela Bruce-Raeburn, Associate Director for Advocacy, Global Health Advocacy Incubator
Stephanie A. Kimou, Principal Consultant, PopWorks Africa


Erin Gar-Yun Andriamahefa, Consent Advocate


Angela Wynn Bowe, Recruitment and Training Coordinator, Center for Global Development
Megan O’Donnell, Assistant Director, Gender Program and Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Global Development

Join us for this panel discussion, co-hosted by Population Works Africa, #BlackWomenInDev, and the Center for Global Development, to explore the question “Is global development consensual?”. 

All relationships have power dynamics based on our identities and experiences; but within global development, the power disparities are even more vast: between international NGOs and local partner organizations, between staff from headquarters and local staff, the CEO of an INGO and the “beneficiaries” of a program. This points to a large issue within development: are the interventions developed by iNGOs consensual? Are these organizations addressing issues in ways that make “beneficiaries” and local partners feel valued, included, and comfortable? In order to for the international development community to transform its work to allow for consensual relationships and partnerships, we must unpack and understand our own individual power, privilege, and oppression, to be able to shift towards more equitable structures and practices at the institutional level. 

Breakfast and coffee will be available beginning at 9:00 am and we will provide a networking opportunity at 11:00 am, immediately following the discussion.

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