


9:00—10:15 AM Washington DC time

How Much Do We Know about COVID-19 Vaccine Deals? The Quest for Transparent and Equitable Vaccine Deployment

 Read more on our blog A Call for Greater Clarity in COVID-19 Vaccine Deals

  • Eduardo Bohórquez, Exeuctive Director, Transparencia Mexicana
  • Jonathan Cushing, Head of Global Health, Transparency International
  • Javier Guzman, Director of Global Health Policy and Senior Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development
  • Jillian Kohler, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Governance, Transparency and Accountability in the Pharmaceutical Sector
  • Nicaise Ndembi, Senior Science Advisor, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Natalie Rhodes, Policy Officer, Transparency International
  • David Wilson, Program Director, Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank
  • Tom Wright, Senior Programme Officer, Transparency International 


  • Janeen Madan Keller, Assistant Director of Global Health Policy and Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Global Development


Policymakers around the world have made the expeditious deployment of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines a top priority in order to bring the pandemic under control. But how much information about COVID-19 purchasing agreements is actually available in the public domain? And how can data sharing and contract publication help policymakers decide how much vaccine countries should buy, who should pay, and how they should be delivered and distributed?

Join the Center for Global Development and Transparency International for a discussion on opportunities for greater transparency in COVID-19 vaccine development and procurement, building on new research from Transparency International and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Governance, Accountability, and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector on transparency in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials and contracting. Speakers will highlight the key risks of limited information on vaccine development and procurement and examine how to move toward more systematic and strategic approaches for improved global access and equity.

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