


9:30—11:00 AM ET
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Journey to Self-Reliance: From Theory to Practice


Chris Maloney, Assistant to the Administrator in the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, USAID


Gretchen Birkle, Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, USAID

Sean Jones, Mission Director, USAID/Ethiopia

Tessie San Martin, President and CEO, Plan International USA


Sarah Rose, Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development


In October 2018, USAID published its inaugural Journey to Self-Reliance Country Roadmaps featuring 17 third-party, publicly available metrics used to visualize progress toward self-reliance across the developing world. The release of the roadmaps marked the first major, visible product of the agency’s “Journey to Self-Reliance” strategic pivot. Since then, USAID has been working to implement its Journey to Self-Reliance agenda, with its focus on data, the private sector, resource mobilization, and a range of other new tools, practices, and approaches to partnership.

Please join us for an event exploring how USAID is operationalizing the Journey to Self-Reliance. What has changed about the agency’s relationships with partner countries and the way it approaches its work? What challenges has the agency encountered? We’ll tackle these questions and more with a presentation from USAID Assistant to the Administrator Chris Maloney, followed by a panel discussion examining what the Journey to Self-Reliance looks like in practice, especially at the country-level.

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